We look forward to answering every possible question regarding SCJTL programs. This page will be developed over time as important questions are posed throughout the season. Please call e-mail SCJTL or call 631-590-5019 with any questions you do not find here.
Weather related cancellations and Make-ups:
High Heat Alerts:
SCJTL sites do not cancel due to High Heat Alerts. The pace of all activities will be slowed to a pace less taxing than the regular schedule. Participants are encourage to bring extra fluids and plan to take frequent breaks.
Every effort is made to determine whether or not to cancel a site due to rain. SCJTL does not call program participants regarding rescheduling due to weather cancellations.
For DAILY activity and WEATHER
CANCELLATION information please
Call: 631-590-5019 or
Visit the
SCJTL Web Site: www.scjtl.org -Program status posted on top of home page. For details >click
E-mail announcements will be
attempted if possible.
SCJTL recommends checking the announcement web site and SCJTL Program Line before leaving for any program.
Make-ups: Make-up are schedules as follows:
Summer Tennis League: Next available Friday or as extension to existing sceduled session whenevr possible.
Weekly programs - PCT - HP - ISL - After-school programs: Sessions are added to the end of the program run time or make-up session is scheduled.
Please read specific program make-up policy.
Make-ups count as session dates. No refunds for absence.
Please note:
Sessions cancelled due to rain after they have started will not be made up:
1-hour sesions = 30 minutes
1 1/2hr. to 2-hour sessions = 45 minutes
3-hour sessions = 75 minutes
Extension of program for 1 week for make-ups is an option, after which no make-ups will be made.
No. The SCJTL Summer Tennis League is flexible enough to accommodate everyone’s summer plans. Indicate the total amount of weeks your child can attend. The enrollment fee is indicated next to the corresponding #of wks. Please list the weeks “not attending” in the space provided. If you are enrolling for less than 2 weeks please indicate Back to top
Yes. Call the office at 631-590-5019 when you decide to add more weeks.
They will be added in our records. The price will be based on the
TOTAL amount of weeks sign up for.
Ex: Original sign-up is 2 weeks @ $125.
You now want to change it to
a 6 week registration @$195.
You pay the difference between the
two which comes out to $75.
Junior National Tennis Ratine Program (NTRP) is a player rating system developed by the USTA to help place players with similar playing characteristics. The SCJTL Skill Level Calculator has been developed to help place players in SCJTL programs designed for their expereince level. Click here for SCJTL Level Guideline page.
No. We ask all SCJTL player wear their team shirts for Challange Days. This helps with team building and identifies registered players on courts. Registration includes 1 SCJTL shirt. Additional shirts may be purchased online thur your SCJTL Member Portal. The shirt will be delicvered to your players site within a day or two depeneind on when the purchase is made.
She can play in the Yellow Division.
Age is a priority so she can be around her peers. While there will
be players with more experience in the Yellow Division there will also
be players in the same age and level as she.
I think she would like that better and it is fine with us.
I recommend the following and why:
1. SCJTL Summer Tennis League: This is our flagship program. Over its 25 year history, the Summer Tennis League has provided playing and competition experiences for thousands of Suffolk County tennis team players. This is a perfect opportunity for your daughter to test her skills against her peers. Every tennis team in Suffolk County has player who play or have played in this program.
2. SCJTL Performance|Competition Training: This Saturday morning program will help your daughter prepare for her tennis team experience by training with a team. PCTraining features live ball drills along with singles and doubles tactical training and competition.
Each SCJTL program has a different emphasis. Depending on your child's time and resource, if she cannot participate in all 2 programs, then a combination of at the Summer Tennis League and Performance|Competition Trqaining would give her the next best experience. We also provide discounted tennis lessons for SCJTL Members through our Personal Coaching Services.
Best way is to register is ON-LINE:
1. Register On-Line by setting up your FREE SCJTL Member Portal
2. Be sure to read program confirmation information.
3. Print receipt and bring to Site ready to play.
Using SCJTL programs and camps is an effect way to improve a tennis player's skills, results, and experience in tennis.
Email: scjtl@ariastennis.com
Phone: 631-590-5019
Comprehensive list of tennis programs
Please contact us at:
SCJTL Programs: 631-590-5019